Posts tagged Stories of Autism
Jack | Stories of Autism

“You live so you may learn to love.You love so you may learn to live. No other lesson is required of man.”

-The Book of Mirdad

This is Jack, our wonderful three year old son. Never a dull moment goes by with this youngin’. He recently made up a new activity called  “let’s see how long I can fight sleep.” Jack is a very loving little boy who will give hugs and cuddles for days. He looks for new adventures all the time and enjoys playing outside and exploring. Jack likes to wind down with a good episode of The Simpsons and frequently listens to Cat Stevens to put him in a relaxed mood.

Every day is a new adventure with Jack and our family takes it day by day. Looking at the world through Jack’s eyes has made us better parents and human beings and we are blessed to have Jack in our lives.

Elias and Jess (Jack’s ma and pa)


Stories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of Autism

It is Autism awareness month.

Autism currently affects 1 in 50 kids.


Step into our world

~ Trey’s first year of life seemed quite remarkably neurotypical.  In fact, he was the most gregarious infant I had ever met and many people commented the same way.  Our Christmas card that year showed 9-month old Trey with an uncanny, exuberant ear-to-ear grin.   Considering his older brother Evan had already been diagnosed with autism, we had been watching Trey’s development under a proverbial microscope.  As a result, when he also regressed into autism shortly after his first birthday we were quite taken aback and grieved for a long time the fact that we would never raise a truly neurotypical child afterall.

But the grieving didn’t last forever.  In fact, his Dad and I, like so many of the parents we know who have children on the spectrum, are quite a determined couple.  We began turning over every stone in an effort to help our children.  Thankfully Trey started to respond, albeit very slowly and steadily, to our many interventions.

~ Today Trey has emerged from his nonverbal state of autism to a place where he’s speaking in 3-4 word phrases, is reading above grade level, has amazing imaginary play skills, is part of an integrated classroom and has resumed his gregarious, silly, slap-stick humor-loving version of himself.  His smile and laugh are so contagious that therapists and volunteers in our home program all vie for the opportunity to work with Trey.   Is Trey recovering?  You bet.   Right now does Trey still have autism?  You bet.   But after years of watching him exist like a ghost in the room we are now witnessing him come alive again with amazing exuberance.  It’s like a dream come true!   And the dream continues manifesting more fully every day!

~ Trey continues to work hard to improve his communication ability and to cope with things that don’t work out as he predicted or hoped.   We lovingly support him on that journey and applaud all his efforts with enthusiasm.  If there were awards given out for the most persistent child with autism, Trey might win first place.  It is definitely one of his greatest strengths, although I can attest as his mom there are moments where it makes boundary setting an exhausting adventure. But that same persistency, combined with our efforts, is what has been leading Trey out of his isolated little world and more fully into ours.  And our world is a much better place with Trey participating in it, no doubt about it!

~Dawnmarie & Brian (parents to Trey)

Please read about Trey''s story here and don't forget to take a look at Stories of Autism.



On April 16th & 17th, I will be participating in the Stories of Autism project to further their mission of awareness, acceptance, and inclusion. If you or anyone you know has autism and would like to be part of this project please send me an email and I will be sure to include you on the list. If you would like more information on this project visit their website: .