Jack | Stories of Autism

“You live so you may learn to love.You love so you may learn to live. No other lesson is required of man.”

-The Book of Mirdad

This is Jack, our wonderful three year old son. Never a dull moment goes by with this youngin’. He recently made up a new activity called  “let’s see how long I can fight sleep.” Jack is a very loving little boy who will give hugs and cuddles for days. He looks for new adventures all the time and enjoys playing outside and exploring. Jack likes to wind down with a good episode of The Simpsons and frequently listens to Cat Stevens to put him in a relaxed mood.

Every day is a new adventure with Jack and our family takes it day by day. Looking at the world through Jack’s eyes has made us better parents and human beings and we are blessed to have Jack in our lives.

Elias and Jess (Jack’s ma and pa)


Stories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of AutismStories of Autism

It is Autism awareness month.

Autism currently affects 1 in 50 kids.