Hello My Prince

Remember him - Prince of Kaleidoscopes. I was so glad to hear that they were participating in the Stories of Autism project again this year. As I said in my previous post - I wanted to capture something deeper this time around. Remembering how Elliot lights up when he looks at his mom - I knew I wanted to try and capture that tiny little moment when he doesn't know there's a gal with a camera around him... that moment when it's just him and her.

In Their Element

I participated in the Stories of Autism project last year and found it extremely humbling... the little nugget I took from it has forever changed me and how I view life. This year, I wanted to try and capture something deeper -- a nugget I could leave them. A visual snapshot of the love between parent and child - an emotional memory. Remember these two kiddos - You Are Loved. I discovered that they each have their own preferences. One the beach and the other the comfort of  his home - so I decided each kid would need their own session and as you can see from the photos - a decision well worth it. I can't even begin to pick a favorite... I love them all.