39/365:This Bench

I asked him to make me a little bench never thinking in my wildest dreams I'd get this -- this beautifully hand crafted bench designed specifically for my clients. My man with nail bags has some mad skills.... and he has no idea what my next request will be... all thanks to Pinterest ;)

38/365: Dinner

Tonight my pressure cooker exploded and I just wanted to toss the whole damn thing in the trash and go out to eat. While we were cleaning up the mess and man.... was there a mess. My husband looks at me and says -- what have we learned...

1. Don't buy a $10 Pressure Cooker (In my defense, I bought it at Macy's on Black Friday)

2. Make sure the seal is on tight

Yeah...yeah.... he got me on #2 but it sure makes for a good excuse to go out to dinner...

 photo taken with my iPhone yesterday and post-processed using apps Noir and Instagram

37/365: SOUP

I love my friends and their tolerance of me snapping photos in mid-conversation Photo taken with my iPhone, post processed with apps Camera+ and Noir. Also added texture in Photoshop