Denise Conrad Photography

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The Fork

I’m at the fork on the road which begins a new chapter of my career. To the right, I could continue to take in sessions on a leisurely basis while continue with my day job. To the left, I could pursue what my mom calls “my bliss” and take this business to a new level while still continuing my day job.

I have no desire to leave my day job. It provides security, retirement and medical benefits. I’ve also made some really good friends here that I get to hang out with and see five days a week.

So what to do… what to do...

Over the weekend I watched Tamara Lackey – “Getting Down to Business” on Creative Live. After watching it and embracing all that she had to say – I sat with it. In my dreams I am sitting down staring at this fork on the road trying to decide which direction to take. Times like this I wish I was the type of person that can just make a decision – the over analyzing part of me is definitely annoying. My husband, sisters and friends stare at me while I torture myself with decisions and shake their head… saying, you know the answer. I have no doubt I could do both – the question is do I take this “bliss” to a new level? This new level requires putting some systems in place to run this business efficiently so that I can do more sessions and provide more products while still being an active part with the love that surrounds me – my family. It requires absolute focus on the time I have available which isn’t much. My heart beats a little faster every time I think about the possibilities. It is possible, isn’t it?

Don’t get me wrong – I know I can’t do photography full-time AND my day job, that would be a little (just a little) crazy. As it stands right now I did 33 sessions last year with a good portion during the holiday season. I can already see a little increase in numbers this year. I'd like to see if I can reach my goal of 100 sessions in one year. Eeeks – I said that out loud!